Integrating Medical Clinics into Non-Traditional Spaces | Davis

Integrating Medical Clinics into Non-Traditional Spaces

Addressing challenges and leveraging benefits through Noran Neurology’s successful transformation of an office building space into a specialty clinic.

Leasing non-medical buildings for medical clinic use has been driven by a blend of economic, logistical, and patient-centered considerations. Healthcare providers have turned to retail and office spaces to establish clinics due to prime locations, accessibility, and possible cost advantages, but it’s generally due to a lack of available outpatient medical building options in a market area.

Healthcare providers continue to be driven by the quest for patient convenience. High foot traffic, prominent signage, ample parking, and proximity to residential areas are highly sought-after attributes that many retail and some office building locations offer. However, these spaces present a unique set of challenges and opportunities for healthcare facilities.


An illustrative example is Noran Neurology’s 22,000 square foot clinic, leasing 22,000 square feet in the France Place office building in Bloomington. After conducting extensive analysis, including reviewing patient demographics and patterns, it was concluded that consolidating services from multiple locations into a single, well-located facility was the best solution.

Located prominently on France Avenue, the space offers ample parking, superior signage opportunities, and enhanced visibility—essential features that made it a cost-effective alternative to new construction. Additionally, the lack of suitable land for new outpatient medical buildings in the area made the existing office building a viable option.

The transformation of the office space into a functional medical clinic presented several challenges, including significant renovations that involved the removal of steel beams and exterior adjustments to accommodate medical equipment like the MRI. Essential infrastructure upgrades were necessary, such as enhancing water capacity, installing the appropriate signage, and improving wayfinding to ensure operational efficiencies. Properly addressing zoning issues was also crucial, as the space had to be adapted to meet all required health and safety regulations and standards.

The success of Noran Neurology’s new clinic hinged on the collaborative efforts of Davis, and our project partners. Together, our comprehensive understanding of outpatient clinic needs ensured that the project was completed on time and within budget, resulting in significant economic savings and enhanced patient access.

While integrating medical clinics into non-traditional spaces like office buildings or retail locations can be a viable alternative when other medical outpatient buildings are unavailable or affordable land for new construction is scarce, it’s not without challenges. This approach should only be considered if these locations are well-situated and meet specific criteria. The success of Noran Neurology demonstrates that with meticulous research, careful planning, and a strategic investment in infrastructure, clinics can thrive even in non-medical buildings. This method, though not ideal, can be made workable by addressing potential issues, ultimately reducing costs and enhancing patient convenience and access, thus meeting the evolving needs of patients and providers.